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Q. I have really weak hair and can't grow it, is there anything I can do about it?

Hair breakage. weak hair. My Hair secret

A.  Having weak hair can be very frustrating, especially when you are trying to grow it. When you have weak hair, you may find that it breaks easily and becomes damaged with split ends.  Weak hair that breaks easily can make you appear to have thin hair because breakage can happen anywhere along the hair shaft. This means that as you get towards the bottom of your hair it looks and feels thin and fine. You may find wispy or frizzy areas from near the root all the way along the length making it hard to get that smooth, shiny, healthy look we all strive for.

Why do I have weak hair?

Weak hair can be caused by a variety of reasons. If you notice other people in your family also suffering from weak hair, it may be genetic. If you have changed your diet, have a bad diet, suffer from any illnesses or take medication, this can have an effect on nutrients in your system and hair health. If you use any chemical processes such as perming solution, or permanent hair dyes , these can weaken hair and eventually damage it. Using high heat styling can also cause the hair to be weak, easily break and become damaged. Once the hair is damaged it can not be repaired, so it is really important to take good care of the hair and make sure it has a great start from the root.


Strong hair My hair secret

What can I do to strengthen my hair?

Whatever the reason as to why you have weak hair, there are things you can do to try and keep it strong and healthy. Each hair follicle has its own blood supply, so to achieve healthy hair growth we need to start from the inside and ensure that blood supply is taking the right nutrients to the hair and scalp.

  • It is really important to keep a consistent, healthy, well balanced diet.
  • Keep water intake to an optimum level of approximately 4 pints per day.
  • Infuse the blood with nutrients that are great for strong, healthy hair growth. Some great vitamins and minerals for hair
  • Keep the scalp healthy so that it is a great environment for hair to grow. Zinc is great for keeping the scalp in good condition
  • Help the nutrients get to the hair follicle via the blood stream by conducting a regular scalp massage. This also helps to maintain a healthy scalp, please see our step by step guide to scalp massage including the inversion method.
  • Look after the structure of the hair by limiting the amount of damaging actions on it. For example, try to dry hair naturally when possible and use a low heat when you do style. Use a heat protection spray before heat styling.
  • Try to limit using chemical processes on the hair, such as using permanent hair colour or perming solution. Use se a semi-permanent colour instead.
  • Avoid constant tight hairstyles with tight braiding or hair ties. Let your hair have a break, or vary the hairstyle so that you don’t put too much pressure on the hair shaft and scalp. Putting tension on your scalp can result in bald patches or what is known as traction Alopecia. This point is really important, because that constant pulling on the scalp and hair follicle can cause permanent damage.
  • Don’t brush you hair when it is wet, use a comb when wet and then the correct brush/comb to style when dry. There are different combs/brushes for different types of hair, it is worth investing in a good brush for your specific hair type.
  • Keep the hair conditioned well along the shaft. I always recommend using conditioner every time you wash as it helps to detangle hair, minimising damage. Deep condition the hair each week with a good protein based conditioner, such as one with Keratin. You can make your own treatment by blending Eggs, Honey, avocado, natural yoghurt and natural coconut oil/butter. Or a Vegan option for a great treatment: Coconut oil and avocado oil mixed together and smoothed through lengths of hair is great for moisture and protection. Leave them on for 5 – 10 mins then wash off.
  • The hair likes proteins and healthy fats/oils, so it is good to have a diet with these in such as coconut oil, nuts, olive oil, avocado, seeds and legumes.Coconut oil. hair . my hair secret

If you want help providing your hair with the correct level of vitamins and minerals, then you must try our fantastic, Lustalox range. It is designed to support healthy hair growth from the inside - out.

SLS free scalp caring and stimulating shampoo + strengthening conditioner.

Hair Boost growth supplements with all you need to support healthy hair growth and protect from hair fall.


Have any fantastic Hair Secrets of your own?

Share them with us at hello@my-hairsecret.com and we may feature your Hair Secret on our website.


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Please Note: 

Information provided in the Q & A is opinion of the consultant. If you require medical advice, please see your healthcare practitioner. Should we use your Question in media, your name and details will remain confidential and not be shared with anyone else.



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