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Nadia Sawalha confesses on camera - she has the balding gene!

An emotional Nadia Sawalha confesses that she is suffering from hair loss due to the "balding gene"


“Can have devastating effects”

Whatever the cause, hair loss in women can have devastating effects and many studies have concluded major psychological impact with far-reaching consequences. But the vast majority of sufferers will not seek help as they believe surgery or wearing a wig to be the only options.

Andrea McLean, Nadia's co-host on ITV's Loose Women, not only provided a shoulder to lean on for 52-year-old Nadia - she also admitted she suffers from similar symptoms.

Sat on the panel with Anne Diamond and Gloria Hunniford, Andrea, 47, admitted that she is also thinning on top, explaining that her hair has extensions in it.

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What does it mean to have the "Balding Gene"? 

If you notice that you are losing your hair as you are getting older, specifically at the front, top and front sides of the head, you may indeed be victim to the "balding gene". Otherwise known as Alopecia Androgenetica or Female / Male Pattern baldness. It is thought that this gene triggers a sensitivity in the culprit hair follicles to a hormone called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and it is this sensitivity that causes the hair follicle to shrink. When the hair follicle shrinks, less hair can grow and less blood can get to the hair follicle, meaning that the hair is starved of the essential nutrients needed to grow. If not treated, the hair follicle will eventually stop producing hair permenantly! 

The hormone responsible for hair loss. balding gene. dihydrotestosterone. dht. pattern baldness 

What can I do if I think I am suffering with the balding gene?

1. You could see your doctor or trichologist who will examine you and your hair to determine what the issue may be. There are treatments available on the NHS and privately. Some treatments do come with side effects and are only suitable for men.

2. If your hair is falling and thinning, you could look at taking supplements like our Hair Supplements with LUSTALOX which has a natural blend of nutrients reported to inhibit the formation of DHT, reduce hair fall and boost hair growth.

3. If your hair has got to the stage of being shiny bald, hair replacement treatments may be the best option for you.

4. If you are looking to add volume, hair extensions could be a solution. If you are thinking about hair extensions, then please do your research and choose somebody who is well known for fitting and more importantly, removing the extensions safely reducing the risk of losing even more hair or damaging the hair you still have. You can also combine hair extensions with other other treatments like supplements to help your hair grow while you have extensions fitted.

5. Topical solutions like Minoxidil have been reported to be beneficial for those suffering from DHT sensitivity and Pattern baldness.


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If you are looking for a more natural solution, you must try the revolutionary Hair Growth supplements by My Hair Secret! They are 100% cruelty free, made with natural ingredients which means no nasty side effects and they are the ONLY product on the market to contain the LUSTALOX blend. This unique blend contains nutrients reported to naturally inhibit the formation of the hormone Dihydrotestosterone! See below for some of the fantastic results achieved by this fantastic supplement made right here in the UK!

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Thank you Nadia! A very difficult issue to deal with. It really does help others knowing that they are not on their own. We have seen some awful situations here concerning the lengths that some people do feel they need to go to, to hide thier hair loss. Hopefully with people like yourself feeling brave enough to share, it will encourage others to find help too. There is hope! 


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